Sponsor Wreaths
Stats Gauge


2025 So Far
357 Wreaths Sponsored
5.1% to Goal
6,643 To Go!

REMEMBER the Fallen. . . HONOR those who Serve. . . TEACH our children the value of Freedom.

Welcome to the Fort Richardson National Cemetery's Wreaths Across America Page. 

On December 14, Wreaths Across America will be at the Fort Richardson National Cemetery to Remember and Honor our veterans through the laying of Remembrance wreaths on the graves of our country's fallen heroes and the act of saying the name of each and every veteran aloud.

Please help our location lay wreaths at as many graves as possible by clicking the red "Sponsor" button. Or, if you would like to volunteer to participate in the wreath laying ceremony, please click the “Volunteer” button next to the cemetery name below, and don't forget to click the "Invite" button to invite your friends and family to join you. 

IMPORTANT: Fort Richardson National Cemetery is located on a Secure Military Installation. Please review the information about Base Access for this event below under the "Directions to Cemetery" Tab.

Thank you so much for supporting the Fort Richardson national Cemetery and Wreaths Across America!

Sponsor Wreaths

Click "Sponsor Wreaths" to sponsor a wreath and help us reach our goal of honoring every veteran at the cemetery.

Sponsor Wreaths


Click here if you would like to participate in the wreath laying ceremony on Wreaths Day at the cemetery.


Click here to spread the word encourage your friends to sponsor, volunteer or keep up with our news.

The Mobile Education Exhibit's Schedule

Visit the Mobile Education Exhibit in your community!

FASTPORT and Tenstreet Support the Annual Wreaths Across America Appreciation Dinner

The event celebrates the efforts of millions of volunteers and supporters nationwide; the highlight of the evening will be the keynote speaker, Medal of Honor Recipient, former Staff Sgt. Clint Romesha

425 recent news items exist. Click "View All News" to see them all.


In Honor Of for Steven Holman, United States Military, Served From 2006 to 2021, Born 12/03/85, Passed On 11/02/21, Honored by Fort Richardson National Cemetery

In Memory Of for Michael Krillovich Muraviov, United States Military, Honored by Fort Richardson National Cemetery

Lieutenant Michael Muraviov died while flying aircraft from the US to the Soviet Union via Alaska as part of the lend-lease program in 1943. There are some 11 Soviet servicemen buried in the Allied plot at Fort Richardson along with 13 Canadians and one British servicemen.He was 28

Check out 102 "Remember" recent messages from our supporters. Click "View Remember Wall" to see them all.

Location Information

AKFRCF - Fort Richardson National Cemetery
58-512 Davis Hwy POB 5498
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AK 99505


December 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm

Terry Michalski, KHAMPHENG SCOTT

Directions to Cemetery

Those attending the Ceremony should enter through the Richardson Gate, proceed to the SECOND Traffic Circle and take the first exit (to the right) onto 6th Street. Follow 6th to the end and turn right onto the Davis Highway. Follow Davis Highway approximately 9/10 of a mile. The Cemetery is on the Left.

Parking this year will be ON THE CEMETERY GROUNDS. We have more than 400 volunteers signed up for this event! It's encouraged that those attending the Ceremony try to arrive extra early to give yourself time to get onto the Base, park and walk to the Cemetery Flagpole before the Ceremony starts. You will be directed where to park by Volunteers.

For those without a Valid Base Access ID:

Normally, those who don't have a valid Base Access ID are required to go to the Visitor Control Center at the Boniface Gate to gain access to the Base. In order to avoid this on the day of the Ceremony, the 673d Security Forces Squadron will operate a dedicated preregistration call-in number on December 11th, 12th and 13th to simplify access to the Base for this Ceremony. THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS REGISTERING ON THE WAA WEBSITE AS A VOLUNTEER.

Registration by phone with Base Security will allow event attendees to enter through the Richardson Gate without having to go to the Visitor Control Center at the Boniface Gate. Those registering must provide the following personal information for a criminal background check:

Full Name, Date of Birth, Driver's License Number or state issued ID, and issuing State.

Callers will be told during the call if they passed the background check. Those who pass will be added to a list of Registered Patrons posted at the Richardson Gate. On Event Day, Registered Patrons can show their ID at the Richardson Gate to be compared to this list for access to the base. This ID requirement is for ALL persons in the vehicle aged 16 or older. Please be courteous and patient with members of the Base Security Force. They’re Heroes, too!


a) Have a Valid Base Access ID, or
b) Be on the Registered Patrons List or
c) Be Under the Age of 16

NOTE: Preregistration is for access directly to and from the National Cemetery.  Persons found outside of those areas may be charged with trespassing.
Date of Event: Saturday, December 14, 2024
Dates of early registration services:  11/12/13 December
December 11th, 12th, 13th Hours of Operation: 8:00-11:00 AM and 12:00-4:00PM
Call-In Number: 907-552-6910

Parking Instructions

We have more than 400 volunteers signed up this year!

We have a welcome change to our parking locations this year. We will be permitted to park on the Cemetery Grounds. Volunteers will direct you where to park. 

Vehicles with disabled or elderly or guests will be allowed to park in the first parking lot across from the Cemetery Office. This is the first entrance on the right after you enter the Cemetery.

 The parking lot adjacent to the Flag Pole will be reserved for official Ceremony Participants and staff.

Ceremony and Volunteer Information

We are happy that you are willing to help with our Wreath Across America ceremony at the Fort Richardson National Cemetery. Please do not forget to register to volunteer! That way you will get all updates about the cemetery itself.


Here are some things to remember about the ceremony:

  • Everyone of all ages and backgrounds is welcome.
  • Please help ensure that all participants get the opportunity to place a wreath.
  • Please follow the location coordinators instructions on where to place wreaths, as well as "how" they should be placed.
  • We especially appreciate volunteers willing to help clean-up. Please check in with the location coordinator if you are interested in helping with the clean-up.

The most important thing to remember is to have a wonderful experience participating in the ceremony and thank you so much for helping Wreaths Across America achieve our mission to remember, honor, and teach.

Local Groups Supporting Us

OR0065P - Gold Star Wives of America, NorthWest Region

Welcome to OR0065P - Gold Star Wives of America, NorthWest Region! Our location Sponsorship Group is proud to support Willamette National Cemetery and to help honor and remember as many veterans as possible. Please click "View" to learn more about our effort and then click "Volunteer" to join us for National Wreaths Across America Day. Thank you so much!

AK0043 - AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Post 2, Anchorage AK

Welcome to AK0043 - AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Post 2, Anchorage AK! Our location Sponsorship Group is proud to support Fort Richardson National Cemetery and to help honor and remember as many veterans as possible. Please click "View" to learn more about our effort and then click "Volunteer" to join us for National Wreaths Across America Day. Thank you so much!

16 groups support us. Click "View Our Groups" to see them all.