Remember Messages

Jorge Lebron Correa, Army
Jorge Lebron Correa, Army
Posted by: Susan Schneider
Jorge R. Lebron Correa, Vietnam Veteran
Wayne Rouse
Wayne Rouse
The Light Horse Harry Lee Society of the Children of the American Revolution is proud to honor the service of Wayne Rouse, USMC (ret.), during Wreaths Across America at Quantico National Cemetery this year.
Russell Slaughter
Russell Slaughter
The Light Horse Harry Lee Society of the Children of the American Revolution will be honored to remember the service of Russell Slaughter, U.S. Navy, during Wreaths Across America at Quantico National Cemetery this year.
Claude Waites Sr
Claude Waites Sr
The Light Horse Harry Lee Society of the Children of the American Revolution will remember the service of Claude Waites Sr., U.S. Army, during Wreaths Across America at Quantico National Cemetery this year.