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American Pride on Display at this Year’s National Wreaths Across America Day Event

At Arlington National Cemetery specifically, 257,000 veterans’ wreaths were placed by more than 28,000 volunteers.

2022 Event - Ceremonial Wreaths Placed at Arlington

2022 Event - Ceremonial Wreaths Placed at Arlington

Over two million volunteers, a third of whom were children, helped place more than 2.7 million veterans’ wreaths on headstones of our fallen across the country.

Child places wreath - December 2022

Child places wreath - December 2022

Volunteers honored veterans at more than 3,700 locations.

Volunteer Places Wreath December 2022

Volunteer Places Wreath December 2022

Ceremonial Wreath Placement 2022

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Arlington National Cemetery

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Arlington National Cemetery

National Wreaths Across America Day took place today at 3,702 participating locations across the country. Our nation’s heroes were remembered as each name was said aloud and honored as over two million volunteers, a third of whom were children, helped placed more than 2.7 million veterans’ wreaths on headstones of our fallen across the country. At Arlington National Cemetery specifically, 257,000 veterans’ wreaths were placed by more than 28,000 volunteers.

Wreaths Across America would like to thank the community, dedicated volunteers, generous sponsors, essential truck drivers, area officials, and members of the media for coming together in unity and supporting those who have protected our freedom. Each person has played an important part in the mission to Remember the fallen, Honor those that serve and their families, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom.

Each live, balsam veteran’s wreath was a gift of respect and appreciation, sponsored by an individual or organization and placed on a headstone by volunteers as a small gesture of gratitude for the freedoms Americans enjoy. For centuries, fresh evergreens have been used as a symbol of honor and have served as a living tribute renewed annually. Wreaths Across America believes the tradition represents a living memorial that honors veterans, active-duty military, and their families. When each wreath is placed the servicemember’s name is said out loud, ensuring their memory lives on.

For more information, visit www.wreathsacrossamerica.org. Next year’s National Wreaths Across America Day will be held on Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023.