Remember Messages

Posted by: LeAnn J.
Thank you to all who have served and are serving for it is because of your bravery we here at home live in freedom and sleep well at night. .... I am with you always, even until the end of the world. Amen Matthew 28:20
Harold Billings, Marine Corps
Harold Billings, Marine Corps, Posted by: Barbara Billings Craig
You are so loved & missed every day
Ernest Billings, Navy
Ernest Billings, Navy, Posted by: Barbara Billings Craig
We miss you every day
Mike Hirschbein, Marine Corps
Mike Hirschbein, Marine Corps, Posted by: Bee Collins
In remembarance of my life long friend Mike
Posted by: Garry and Wendy Latimer
For All Who Served
Posted by: LeAnn J.
Thank you to all who have served and are serving for it is because of your bravery we here at home live in freedom and sleep well at night. .... I am with you always, even until the end of the world. Amen Matthew 28:20
Edwin Kitow , Air Force
Edwin Kitow , Air Force, Posted by: Sandy S.
We miss you, Eddie!
Edwin Kitow
Edwin Kitow , Posted by: Sandy S.
We miss you, Eddie!
Mike Hirschbein
Mike Hirschbein, Posted by: Bee Collins
In remembarance of my life long friend Mike
John Williams Gibson
John Williams Gibson, Posted by: Joanna Cristalli
Thank you to all who have served and sacrificed and to those who are currently serving. We appreciate all of you and your service. THANK YOU!
Posted by: LeAnn J.
Thank you to all who have served and are serving for it is because of your bravery we here at home live in freedom and sleep well at night. .... I am with you always, even until the end of the world. Amen Matthew 28:20
James Reber
James Reber, Posted by: Cheryl D.
We miss you. Thank you, for being a part of our family. 2018
Ernest Peteson
Ernest Peteson, Posted by: Cheryl D.
In loving memory. Merry Christmas 2018
Donald Dorsey
Donald Dorsey, Posted by: Cheryl D.
In loving memory.
Tom Bennett
Tom Bennett, Posted by: David Kirchinger
In Honor of a great friend who we lost in 2018.
Posted by: Robbin J McGowan
We thank you for your service to keep us safe, for your sacrifice, for your family's sacrifice and for the love of God and your country