Remember Messages

Frank Reaza Granadino
Frank Reaza Granadino, Enlisted Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Service #39560373
Lloyd Cleveland, Army
Lloyd Cleveland, Army, Posted by: Laurie Gilmore
In honor of my great uncle, Lloyd Cleveland, who served in the Great War in 1917 in Germany.
Micaela Dagucon, M.D., Air Force
Micaela Dagucon, M.D., Air Force, Major, Served from 2013, Posted by: Jessica Olson
In honor of Maj. Micaela Dagucon, M.D. Thank you for your current service to our country, and for all that you have done and will do in the field of ENT medicine. We love you and are so proud of all you have accomplished.
Posted by: Christine G.
Hebert P. R Herr
Posted by: Christine G.
Geroge T. Gentry Jr.
Posted by: William S.
Chelsie Ray Smith Cpl Arterial Man US Army Indianapolis Indiana Waren H Smith USAF MST SGT CA
Posted by: Kathleen N.
Robert E. Walker Army Colonel CA Bruce Stewart Army Master Sargeant CA
George Hibard Sr., Marine Corps
George Hibard Sr., Marine Corps
In memory of my beloved Grandpa George Hibard, Sr. who came from absolute poverty, served this country proudly, scratched out a living, and taught his kids and grandkids our history and to never give up or take crap from anyone.
Posted by: Christine G.
Herbert PR Herr Army Pvt NY
Posted by: Katie D.
J RIchard Finnegan Army Paratrooper HI